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Interesting times that we live in..

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This is 2017!

Until last year, whenever I watched an interesting video on Youtube or a TED talk, I always had this feeling that I am so lucky to be alive in these times. New technology advancements have been made all around – from drones to 3D printing, from self-driving cars to most advanced prosthetics and what not – we sure have come a long way!

And then, the elections happened in the USA and Trump got elected (he did not win the popular vote but he does not admit it). Within few days of being sworn in as POTUS, he has been on an “Executive-Order-signing-spree” and now I cannot stop but wonder what the future of the world would be!

He has been claiming in his campaign that he wants to “make America great again”. However, I ask what is this “America” that he is talking about? Is it a melting pot of multiple nationalities and diverse cultures/beliefs or is it just a group of people who look and behave just like the current President or are willing to blindly follow orders from him? Today’s America stands on the shoulders of both natives as well as immigrants who proudly call this nation their home.

Today, internet is available to over 3 billion people on the planet and individuals are more connected and informed than ever before. There is more interaction and increased collaboration across the world on a daily basis. I wonder while interacting with others online, how many times the thought about nationality/culture/faith crosses one’s minds and makes them behave any differently than they would if the other person was a local. There is a greater sense of togetherness in times of need when there is a terrorist attack or a natural calamity.

A number of the problems that the world faces today are “global problems” and need to be addressed at the international level. We can definitely do a better job if we work together. This “Me first” mentality is not just scary but also short-sighted. Banning people of certain nationalities from entering US and building a wall to prevent immigration is going to leave a sourness in the hearts of many. Hope the new administration realizes the far reaching impact and acts sensibly. And if they don’t ,we have the internet at our finger-tips! So type away and spread awareness! Encourage healthy debates based on facts and make use of free speech without hurting anyone’s sentiments. That’s the least we can do!

So with that I am thinking of people all around the world and would end this post with the following words from Lorde’s popular song –
We’re on each other’s team
And you know we’re on each other’s team…and you know, and you know, and you know..

Written by multiplexer

January 31, 2017 at 9:52 pm

Posted in Real World

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Written by multiplexer

October 5, 2011 at 10:41 pm

Posted in Miscellaneous